Welcome to Greatime International
Stock Code: 00844.HK
Sitemap     • Language: ENG  繁體  简体
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Notice(s) - Replacement of Lost Share Certificates      •     
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Executive Directors
Mr. WANG Bin
Mr. DU Shuwei
Mr. SHU Dakun

Non-Executive Director
Mr. Zhang Yanlin

Independent Non-Executive Directors
Mr. ZHENG Bing
Ms. ZHAO Weihong
Mr. XU Dunkai

Authorised Representatives
Mr. Wang Bin
Mr. SHU Dakun

Audit Committee
Mr. ZHENG Bing (Chairman)
Ms. ZHAO Weihong
Mr. Xu Dunkai

Remuneration Committee
Mr. Xu Dunkai (Chairman)
Mr. SHU Dakun
Mr. ZHENG Bing

Nomination Committee
Mr. Wang Bin (Chairman)
Mr. ZHENG Bing
Ms. ZHAO Weihong

Company Secretary
Mr. Lee Yin Sing, CPA


Legal Adviser
As to Hong Kong law:
Loeb & Loeb LLP
Registered Office
P.O. Box 3340
Road Town
British Virgin Islands

Headquarters and Principal Place Of
Business In Hong Kong

Room 4408, 44/F, Hopewell Centre
183 Queen’s Road East
Wan Chai
Hong Kong
(with effect from 30 June 2017)

Principal Place Of Business In The PRC
No. 102 Renmin Dong Road
Zhucheng City
Shandong Province

Principal Share Registrar And Transfer
Office In The BVI

Tricor Services (BVI) Limited
P.O. Box 3340, Road Town, Tortola
British Virgin Islands

Branch Share Registrar And Transfer Office In Hong Kong
Tricor Investor Services Limited
17/F, Far East Finance Centre
16 Harcourt Road
Hong Kong

Principal Banker
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,
Zhucheng sub-branch
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation Limited

Listing Information
Place of listing: Main Board of
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
Stock Code: 844

Company’s Website